(ād-věn'chər) n.
An undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature.
An undertaking of a questionable nature, especially one involving intervention in another state's affairs.
An unusual or exciting experience: an adventure in dining.
Participation in hazardous or exciting experiences: the love of adventure.
A financial speculation or business venture. v. ad·ven·tured, ad·ven·tur·ing, ad·ven·tures v. tr.
To venture upon; undertake or try.
To expose to danger or risk; hazard. v. intr.
To take a risk; dare.
To proceed despite risks.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


.... and for us that means Snow. A word John and I have tried to avoid for several years now and although it isn't a yearly occurance here in this part of NW Washington it is for us every December we are here.
So great, make some cookies, a bit of knitting and o'yes playing catchup on the blogs.
John has agreed to take over the Have Tools Will Travel leaving this and the CM2 to me.
Not bad but wait, what was that? a... NOOOOO... it's a drip!
EVERY RVer's Nightmare (or any homeowner for that matter.)
Two winters ago was the last time we were here and we found that condensation isn't uncommon in a tin box on wheels but this time we had it beat. It was nothing that a huge (and noisy ) dehumidifier couldn't lick, and we were doing fine till we didn't quite clear the roof well enough leaving little ice pools to melt and seek entrance. DAMN I feel like such a dork.
No worries as quick as "old Chris Kringle"(keeping with the Holiday ) John was up on the roof and with the help of my broom(another prop from a favorite holiday) he fixed the problem.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Almost Ready!!!

Still trying to bring all the old together with all the great stuff that has happened over the summer here in this one spot.
Have Tools Will Travel and Cosmic Muffin will still be around. We are still living in the Muffin and where we go the tools go also.
I guess so much has changed but still the same. I LOVE IT!
The Seamistress is me. A seamstress with an eye for creating with needles, power tools and trouble when I can
Seamistress too because we love the water (scubadiving sailing,fishing and kayaking sometimes mixing them all together) and now that we are back in the NW and surrounded by some of the wildest and most inspiring territory I know we are immersing ourselves in the kind of work and play we enjoy most.
Hopefully you'll find something useful if not entertaining here.
Visit when you can and comment if you must.