(ād-věn'chər) n.
An undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature.
An undertaking of a questionable nature, especially one involving intervention in another state's affairs.
An unusual or exciting experience: an adventure in dining.
Participation in hazardous or exciting experiences: the love of adventure.
A financial speculation or business venture. v. ad·ven·tured, ad·ven·tur·ing, ad·ven·tures v. tr.
To venture upon; undertake or try.
To expose to danger or risk; hazard. v. intr.
To take a risk; dare.
To proceed despite risks.

Monday, July 13, 2009


I am ,and lucky for me our first day on the Huntersville NC Target remodel I spotted this across the parking lot.(Actually BHBF did) and I have been bugging Betsy ,the proprietress ,every lunch time since. So last week when she needed an additional guinea pig for a new yarn dyeing class I jumped at the chance.

Here is Betsy and a few of her gals preparing the dyes and then the fun began.
It is an earth friendly dye using vinegar as a mordant and works wonderfully on animal fibers (but not vegetable) called Culinary Colors.
It was fun (alot of laughing and story telling)and we all ended up with some mighty tasty looking yarn.
In a short time we'll be showing off our finished items, but for now we'll just savor the day!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I am on the road heading from My Mom and Dad's winter hangout in Az desert towards the unknown and the remodel/renovation of our new home/project in Gravity Iowa...
All will be revealed soon!
Wish me luck!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


In my zeal to actually post something now not 5 months after it happened I called the Painted Lady butterfly a Monarch.
Although not as large or with that crazy long migration story....still very impressive when encountered by the thousands.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I am now in Arizona drying out (the motorhome) and preparing for the trek to Gravity Iowa and we are being over-run with butterflies. Monarchs are migrating north and they are just not stopping to rest for anything!!! and I Mean Anything.
It is really cool when you are just sitting there with them running into you but driving down the road is a bit bizzare as you hit them by the hundreds (not cool)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Back in the water... we have been here in Washington for almost a year and one thing that was on the top of the list was experiencing COLD diving.
It's coooooool seriously cool!! and if I kept my finger out of the picture I'll have proof.
So many sea stars and anenomes and just really colorful stuff.
Everything was in 20's Visability, time down ,and depth.... thankfully the temp was about 42 glad the pizza place was around the corner as that much smilin' makes me hungry!
For all warm water divers the only thing I could do without was the cold water rinsing of the gear....BRRRRR but Admiralty Dive Shop has a great facility and handy area to clean up your gear Sweet! thanks Sudie and a big hug to JohnS for his quidence and unending patience... GOTTA LOVE THOSE SWEET YOUNG MEN THAT WILL STILL HELP AND OLD LADY ACROSS THE STREET.( or the beach)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009


John, You are the most fun I can have in any given element (air water or fire) you keep me grounded to the earth, are a soft warm place to hide when it all becomes to much and the most talented craftsman I know still learning and teaching.

Although we had planned to spend your (60th ) Birthday and our (10th) anniversary some place tropical keeping the dream alive you still took me to the beach for cocktails and a beautiful sunset.

and we were all nice and warm, even the "Airhead" who celebrated her 10th birthday by a nice warm fire after a day of climbing "killer beach" logs at La Push.

It was great to be on the road again even it was not in the RV.....we may never out-grow that "travelin' thing".

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Who could refuse an invitation to dinner like this..."I just got my new issue of Bon Appetit and I a have to cook something?
While Cynthia cooked I browsed to new Mag. Love the pictures, commenting that the beet soup was so pretty even tho' I hate beets even it looked Good. ARRRGHGHG
That was to be the first course.... but I loved it!

Then on to a stirfry filled with favorites (yams,cabbage, onions andchicken)

But the " I could live on this" goes to the Meyer lemon custard cakes."
It is soooo cool having friends that love to cook!!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Still Swimming in Circles?

Here it is the first week of 2009 and I still can't seem to pin down the direction (reason for even using all too precious time) for my new blog.
Why bother then?
1) I felt a venue to gather ideas for new projects, get feedback on how to improve and or complete old projects (sometimes just that one little nudge can propel even the most stuck item into the universe) and keep in touch with friends, familly and future business associates was a good....NO GREAT idea.
2) Create a place to showcase my work and hopefully that of others with similar interests.
Many things have changed in my personal life and the blogosphere since I recieved my first domain and blog from girlfriend and "internet guru" Chris and so much has happened.
We all have so much knowledge and so many adventures to share that there must be a place for all of us to espress ourselves through pictures and words of comfort and encouragement .
At this time of year so many of us put a New Years Resolution out to the universe but I for one have followed thru on very few over the years.
I am making a few anyway.
1) Write a letter or send a card to everyone in my address book .( It's fun to recieve snail mail and I can then update new phone #'s email address' and hand out a few 000's and XXX's the old fashioned way)
2)take photos of every started and not finished thing , post them here , finish them (because now you will remind me too.)
3) Spend a bit less time Oggling all of your wonderful Blogs (is that called Bloggling then?)
and spend a bit more time on my own.
Hmmmmm. the new year is definitely off to a good start. PEACE
( and yes comments are welcomed)