(ād-věn'chər) n.
An undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature.
An undertaking of a questionable nature, especially one involving intervention in another state's affairs.
An unusual or exciting experience: an adventure in dining.
Participation in hazardous or exciting experiences: the love of adventure.
A financial speculation or business venture. v. ad·ven·tured, ad·ven·tur·ing, ad·ven·tures v. tr.
To venture upon; undertake or try.
To expose to danger or risk; hazard. v. intr.
To take a risk; dare.
To proceed despite risks.

Friday, January 16, 2009


John, You are the most fun I can have in any given element (air water or fire) you keep me grounded to the earth, are a soft warm place to hide when it all becomes to much and the most talented craftsman I know still learning and teaching.

Although we had planned to spend your (60th ) Birthday and our (10th) anniversary some place tropical keeping the dream alive you still took me to the beach for cocktails and a beautiful sunset.

and we were all nice and warm, even the "Airhead" who celebrated her 10th birthday by a nice warm fire after a day of climbing "killer beach" logs at La Push.

It was great to be on the road again even it was not in the RV.....we may never out-grow that "travelin' thing".

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